Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage therapy can be used in acute or chronic stages of many specific conditions. Benefits from a massage therapy treatment can include:
- Enhanced overall sense of health and well-being
- Enhanced quality of life
- Stress Relief
- Encouraged Relaxation
- Improved Posture
- Improved Circulation
- Lower Blood Pressure
- Pain Management
- Relaxed Muscles
- Improved Flexibility and Range of Motion
- Relief from Tension-Related Headaches
- Strengthened Immune System
- Enhanced Post-Operative Rehabilitation
- Improved Rehabilitation Post Injury

Massage Therapy can assist in numerous conditions, some of which include:
- Stress Reduction and Relaxation
- Pregnancy/Labour Support/Infant and Child Massage
- Muscle Spasms/Muscle Tension
- Sprains/strains
- Edema (swelling)
- Fractures
- Whiplash
- Repetitive Use Injuries (Tendonitis, Bursitis, Frozen Shoulder, Plantar Fasciitis)
- Head and Neck Conditions (Torticollis, Tension or Migraine Headaches)
- Postural Dysfunction
- Conditions of the Nervous System (MS, Parkinson’s, Spinal Cord Injury, Peripheral Nerve Lesions)
- Asthma/Emphysema
- Circulatory Dysfunctions
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Kyphosis/Scoliosis
- Kyphosis/Scoliosis
- Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Cancer
- Palliative Care
- Dislocations/Sport Injuries